
The secret door to my internal struggles. It's a dark battle and it's never going to be won. At least not by me.

Weightloss Survey

In an effort to cure my boredom and for anyone who reads my blog to get to know me a bit better :)

Age: 16

CW: 55kgs/121lbs

Height: 5’7”

BMI: 18.9

GW: 50kgs/110lbs

UGW: 45kgs/99lbs

Favorite Diet Food: Cucumber, carrot, hummus and my newly found slimpasta

Favorite Binge Food: Pasta, bread, potato, basically any form of carbohydrate :/

Favorite exercise: Long walks, bicycling, pilates, cardio

Does anyone know? I don’t think so

What makes you slip up: Staying up late, family get-togethers and being bored, upset or stressed.

What makes you strong: Thinspo, talking to other people with similar goals, staring at my fat in the mirror and wanting to get rid of it.

When did it start: Around 4 years ago

What do you see when you look in the mirrors: Fat, pudgy, jelly bits, cellulite. Everything is wrong.

Is it for attention: No, I would rather people not know.

Are you the fat or the thin one in your group of friends: I don’t really have a ‘group’ of friends, but I guess I’m thinner or in the middle.

Are you depressed: I’ve never been diagnosed, but I have my days

Ever tried to commit suicide:  Twice

Ever cut yourself: Yes

Ever been to a psychologist: No

Lost weight: Yes

Gained weight: Yes

Do you drink: Not usually. If I’m really sad or miserable I do sometimes.

Do you smoke: No

Do you take drugs: No

Does your weight affect your mood: Yes

Do you weigh yourself daily: Usually or every second day. I only record it once a week though because it changes too often daily.

Have you ever fasted: Yes

Have you ever skipped a meal: Yes

Have you ever spit food out: Yes

I am—

[] Anorexic
[] Bulimic 
[] living off diet pills 
[] hungry 
[X] drinking something 
[] eating something 
[] under 100 lbs 
[X] starving myself 
[] vegan 
[x] vegetarian


[x] ask if i’m anorexic/bulimic 
[] call me fat 
[x] say i’m skinny 
[] say i’m ugly 
[x] talk about me behind my back 
[x] force me to eat 
[] say i eat too much 
[] wish I’d eat more 
[] don’t know i’m anorexic/bulimic 
[] have tried to stop me

I wish…

[x] I was thin 
[x] i had a better body 
[x] i didn’t have to eat 
[x] i could control myself 
[X] i could avoid food 
[] i could hide what i am 
[x] i was prettier 
[x] i could disappear

I love…

[X] being hungry 
[x] seeing a difference 
[] shaking 
[] being weak 
[x] losing weight 
[] being anorexic/bulimic 
[x] green tea 
[] diet pills 
[x] being able to turn down food 
[x] feeling good about myself


[] I’m shorter than 5’4 
[x] think i’m ugly 
[X] have self made scars 
[] have a tattoo 
[x] wear glasses 
[x] been told i’m pretty by a stranger 
[] have more than 2 piercings 
[] have piercings besides my ears 
[] have freckles 
Cup size is (A) (B) (C) (D) (E) 
[X] am petite (Apparently)

I hate…

[x] when people stare 
[x] being asked questions 
[x] having to eat 
[x] being single
[x] wearing short skirts 
[x] being fat 
[x] looking ugly 
[x] feeling this way

I need…

[x] people to stay out of my business 
[] more friends
[] someone to know 
[x] less food 
[] more water 
[x] gym membership 
[] to lose 30 lbs 
[x] to lose 20 lbs 
[] to lose 10 lbs 
[] to lose 5 lbs

